Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company would ease content moderation on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. In his address, he noted that censorship on these platforms has gone too far, Informburo reports .
“It’s time to get back to our roots on free expression on Facebook and Instagram,” Zuckerberg said.
Now, Facebook, Instagram, and Threads will have a community notes system. This system is also used by the social network X. Verification of the accuracy of posts will be left to the discretion of the users themselves, who, according to the CEO of Meta, are “less prone to bias.” The company is expected to launch community notes this year.
Zuckerberg acknowledged that even though Meta had built many sophisticated systems to moderate content, they still made mistakes. “Even if they only accidentally censor 1% of the content, that’s still millions of people. And we’ve reached a point where there’s too much error and too much censorship,” the media mogul stated.
Meta will remove restrictions on topics like immigration, gender identity, and gender, which are the subject of frequent political discussions and debates. “It’s not right that something can be said on TV or in Congress but not on the platforms,” Zuckerberg said.
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